Tuesday 23 October 2012

Generate Generate Question

October 23rd 2012

1. How does pressure effect Stephanie throughout the story?

2. How does the story effectively show pressure?

3. Stephanie father death caused many problems between the relationship of Stephanie and her mom what where these problems?

4.  After Stephanie is found the relationship between her and her mom changes again, what is the change?

Friday 19 October 2012

Connecting a Theme

16, October 2012

In the book Taken at the begging the theme is  pressure.
I was halfway across the field when someone grabbed me from behind.
My instinct was to spin around a see who it was, but an iron-like arm closed around my throat and a steely hand clampled itself over my mouth and nose... the pain was sharp and short like a bee sting. i felt numb all over. (Taken pg 14)

she is kidnapped and drugged. When she wakes up she is hog tied and left in a shack and must find a way to escape before he abductor returns. i learned that it doesn't have to be something simple like a test but just simply escaping under a certain amount of time and trying to figure out who you abductor is is and great amount of pressure to put on one person.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Justice or Injustice

In the novel "Feed" there is a injustice done when Violet's feed is malfunctioning and causing certain parts of her body to stop working. Her father goes to company and demands them to do the repairs because of there poor installation it's malfunctioning, They refuse and make sure no other company will help them. They called he a "bad investment" because she isn't as much of a consumer as the other people in the country therefore she is not worth the investment.

I think that Violet can learn that in there world it's all about supply and demand. Since she wasn't as much of a consumer as everyone else in there country she-to them was a bad investment so they wouldn't pay for the repairs. This is really injustice because it's because of the poor installation that Violet is having the problems and because she doesn't meet the standard of the other consumers.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Identify and Sort

21st September 2012

Identify And Sort
The current book I'm reading is called "Feed"
Plot & Sequence has been used very effectively and it starts after our main characters fall victim to a hacker the whole plot and story starts and gets more interesting till the end of the story
The old man was standing by our side, and trying to yell, but we couldn't hear him, so he leaned closer, and said to us, to Marty and Violet and now Link and me, he said, yelled more like, he yelled:  "We enter a time of calamity!"
We tried to back up, all of us except Violet who was confused, and Link was saying, "this unit he's like completely fuguing. he has this-" "We enter a time of calamity! We enter a time of calamity!"
The old man reached out and, with a metal handle, touched me on the neck.
suddenly, I could feel myself broadcasting. I was broadcasting across the scatterfeed, going, helplessly, We enter a time of calamity! We enter a time of calamity! We enter a time of calamity! (Feed 38)

I could see this all happening while there where in the club and how they where hacked by this random stranger while they were there and now they are broadcasting the same thing over and over again it builds suspense and drags you in because you want to know what happens next after this happens.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Introduction to me

Hi. my name is Lazarus I am a grade 10 student at Stratford central. This is my first blog post for grade 10 English,  there will be many more post to come until the end of January. I hope you enjoy some of the post that will be posted during this time period.
I'm not to fond of reading but if I have to I would read a fiction or white pine book.
the last books I read were The bonderman & the warrior's daughter.
I enjoyed both these stories but I preferred the Bonderman because it had a more straight forward storyline than the warrior's daughter. To this date I still perfer the Bonderman because it had a lot more suprises than the warrior's daughter did. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and hope you enjoy the many more to come.